Crown Vetch


Follow-up on Eldred Prairie

Saturday, June 3rd – 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Location: Eldred Prairie, Lincoln Road, east of Lancaster, WI.

This is the second day of the annual attack on crown vetch at Eldred Prairie. We began this year’s efforts to eradicate this nasty invasive on May 23 and will continue Saturday, June 3. We will begin at 9:00 AM on that day and continue until noon or as long as people would like to word. The more people that turn out the more successful we will be in our eradication efforts. Since the property has been burned and mowed there are fewer places for this plant to hide and we are making great progress.

The chemical, dye, surfactant and some extra water will be provided. Please bring your sprayer and some water for use in the sprayer. Please let me know if you do not have a sprayer and we will try to arrange to have one for you.

Thank you everyone, and in addition to doing some good, you should see good things growing on the prairie. It will also be an opportunity to see grassland birds.  We look forward to seeing you on June 3.


This work party will be led by George Riggin. You may contact him with any questions at EMAIL or 608-444-0181 (cell)


The easiest way to get there is from Highway 129. Highway129 is the bypass that runs north and south just east of Lancaster, diverting traffic from Highway 61.

If coming from the north, Lincoln Road is approximately 1½ miles south of the intersection with Highway 61. Coming from the south, it is approximately 1 mile from the intersection of Highway 61 to Lincoln Road. Turn east on Lincoln Road. Eldred Prairie is just over 2 miles on Lincoln Road. It is on the north side of the road and is obviously a natural area. The entrance to drive in is at the eastern end of the property.

The event is finished.


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