Many Rivers Holiday Get-Together!
Friday, December 13 – 5:30 p.m.
Location: Jake’s Stadium Pizza
We will be meeting at Jake’s Stadium Pizza at 5:30 pm and have some fun activities planned!
Community Prairie Vision Board:
This is a collective vision board where participants can contribute their ideas for protecting and restoring prairies or share what the prairies mean to them. You can add something while at the social or prepare something to add ahead of time.
Story-telling Session:
Attendees will share personal experiences related to prairies or their thoughts on conservation. For example, you may share a poem, a personal short story or reflections on your prairie experiences.
Prairie Trivia:
See if you will be stumped during Prairie Trivia! Michelle Biodrowski will offer some screen projections to test your knowledge!
We will have some goodies to celebrate the holidays as well. Feel free to bring a friend.
Contact Jim HERE.