Chippewa Savannas Sites
Dobbs Landing
The Prairie Enthusiasts is one of 17 member organizations that form the Alliance of Dunn County Conservation and Sports Clubs, a 501(c)(3)nonprofit. In 2014, the Alliance raised $300,000 from member organizations, a state Knowles-Nelson Stewardship grant, a grant from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services, and a land transfer from Dunn County Fish and Game to purchase 178.2 acres along the Red Cedar River in the Stanton and Tainter Townships just north of Menomonie, Wisconsin.
The property, locally called Dobbs Landing, includes a variety of habitats – over a mile of river shoreline, wetlands, oxbow lakes, a sand prairie remnant, savannas and barrens of jack pine, burr oak, Hill oak, and white swamp oak, as well as a highly degraded former gravel quarry. The area teems with wildlife; blue-winged warblers, golden-winged warblers, belted kingfishers, red-headed woodpeckers, American bitterns, fox, fisher, turtles, beaver, and swarms of dragonflies have all been seen. Some of the area is open to hunting, fishing, and canoeing.
Prairie plants of note include the federally-endangered prairie bush clover and more common prairie drop seed, needle grass, prairie smoke, prairie cinquefoil, butterfly weed, prairie coreopsis, lead plant and a host of others. Our Chapter Scientist Mark Leach has just begun cataloging the diversity of plant life found at Dobbs Landing and would welcome your help.
Nearly all of these Dobbs Landing habitats are in need of management and restoration efforts. In 2015 the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service granted funds for the prairie restoration to increase monarch butterfly habitat. In 2018, our chapter began removal of trees from one of the prairie remnants.
Most recently, in 2020 the Alliance received a $20,150 grant from the Wisconsin DNR Wisconsin Habitat Partnership Fund for restoration of the western portion of the property, to include prescribed burning, invasives control and seeding activities that will carry into 2021.
Alliance members and other interested citizens will continue work to remove invasive plants such as spotted knapweed, reed canary grass, box elders, and buckthorn, to collect seeds from present native plants and sow them into degraded areas, to plant seeds purchased through grant monies, and to restore and maintain the native prairie, savanna, and barrens areas through such management practices as brush removal, prescribed burns and mowing.
Come visit and enjoy this property. Join one of our work parties; they are fun ways to learn about this local treasure, to work in a beautiful place, and to make new friends.
Access & Directions
From Colfax, drive west on County Highway BB approximately two miles to 850th Avenue. Turn right onto 850th Avenue, proceed west ¼ mile to a sand/gravel road to the right that is signed Dobbs Landing. The site is less than a half mile from 850th.
From I94 East of Menomonie take the County Highway B exit north. Go approximately 7 ½ miles to 730th Street, turn left (North) and proceed one mile to 850th Avenue. Turn right (East) on 850th Avenue and go ¾ mile to the Dobbs Landing sign on a sand/gravel road. The site is less than a half mile from 850th.
Seymour Sand Prairie Project
This land lies under and next to the Xcel power lines in the Town of Seymour, owned by Eau Claire County. It includes numerous prairie remnants. Adjoining the county land is private land owned by the Eau Claire Rod and Gun Club which has undertaken some prairie restoration as well. karner blue butterflies, phlox moths, and gorgone checkerspots have been seen on these properties and tracked by Dr. Paula Kleintjes-Neff and her UWEC students.
In cooperation with the Eau Claire County Parks and Forest Department, the Eau Claire Rod and Gun Club, the Lake Altoona Rehabilitation Protection District, and Dr. Kleintjes-Neff’s UWEC classes, the Chippewa Savannas Chapter is working to preserve and expand the native prairie remnants along the Xcel corridor and adjoining lands.
Our work includes collecting and planting native seeds from the area, opening the native prairie that has been taken over by non-native invasive plants and trees, developing prairie corridors between the County and private land, and collaborating with the people/agencies who are involved with these properties.