The Prairie Enthusiasts has conservation experts and knowledgeable veteran restoration lay people among our ranks. We share knowledge with everyone we can.
Butterfly walk by RS Baller.
Butterfly walk by RS Baller
While materials available through publications and the on the web are good sources of information, our membership has a wide variety of expertise that is available through interactions with The Prairie Enthusiasts members. Learning and sharing is a big part of who we are!
A little more formal networking is done on our blog. We are just starting to get posts on the blog. If you are interested in contributing to the blog, send us an email!
We included interesting articles on prairie conservation in our The Prairie Promoter.
The Prairie Enthusiasts Annual Conference
Our annual conference is in February or March. We bring in experts to present on various prairie-related topics. The conference is also a great time to network with other Prairie Enthusiasts. See the latest on this year’s conference.

Prairie Enthusiasts exploring Kasota Prairie State Natureal Area by Sarah Barron.
Field Trips
Each year The Prairie Enthusiasts offer dozens of naturalist-led tours of prairies and savannas across our chapters. Members and non-members alike are welcome to take part. The field trips are excellent opportunities to experience and learn about a variety of prairie types in various stages of health and recovery. The field trips are listed on the The Prairie Enthusiasts calendar and sometimes advertised on chapter webpages.
Workshops and Training
The Prairie Enthusiasts chapters periodically offer workshops and trainings on a variety of topics (e.g., ecology and monitoring of bats). Find out what is being offered and details by visiting the The Prairie Enthusiasts Calendar. Chapters often advertise these on their chapter webpage.
Prairie Enthusiasm Video
The Prairie Enthusiasts released a video describing why we are enthusiastic about prairies! In the documentary short (27 minutes long), The Prairie Enthusiasts members share their perspectives on learning about, managing and protecting remnant prairies and oak savannas in the Midwest.

Enjoying Hanley Savanna by Caleb DeWitt.