Prescribed Burning

Part of The Prairie Enthusiasts’ mission is to restore prairie and prescribed burning is one of the major tools we use.


Glacial Prairie Chapter volunteer at UWM Field Station burn by Brad Wilkins. 

Prescribed Burning

Glacial Prairie Chapter volunteer at UWM Field Station burn by Brad Wilkins. 

The information and links provided here contain The Prairie Enthusiasts-specific and general information on conducting prescribed burns. If you have other resources you would like added, please contact Jim Rogala.

The Prairie Enthusiasts burn plans and policies

The latest The Prairie Enthusiasts Burn Policy was approved on August 15, 2023. The policy is critical, as protects The Prairie Enthusiasts assets by assuring we perform prescribed burns in a very safe manner. Even aside from the liability issues, the policy will assist in assuring that The Prairie Enthusiasts burns are conducted within the high standards set forth in the policy.

A The Prairie Enthusiasts Burn Plan form is available in a fillable format below.



Burn Plan Fillable pdf file

Prescribed Burn Best Practices Document

Go/No Go Checklist  Form

Burn Crew Sign-in  Form

Burn Equipment Loan Agreement  Form

Landowner Burn Agreement  Form

Burn Volunteer Agreement  Form

Burn Contract  Form

Permission to Burn  Form

Any general questions regarding the policy and forms can be directed to The Prairie Enthusiasts Executive Director Debra Behrens. Thanks!

Burn classes

Local The Prairie Enthusiasts chapters periodically offer burn classes for crew members. These may be in-person or online classes and advertised by chapters.

A variety of courses, including NWCG certified classes, are listing by the WI Prescribed Fire Council (course listing)

Links to resources

  • The WI Prescribed Fire Council has a wide variety of information and has links to fire-related resources.
  • WPFC has developed a fire crew primer
  • Wayne Pauly’s publication ‘How to Manage Small Prairie Fires’ download pdf.