Prairie Planting



Prairie restoration site by Danielle Bell

Prairie Planting

Prairie restoration site by Danielle Bell

Conservation of prairie and oak savanna remnants (i.e., the few remaining pieces of what was present here prior to European settlement) is the primary focus of The Prairie Enthusiasts. However, we also realize (and list below) the conservation benefits to be gained in planting prairie.

Notice we use the phrase “planting prairie” as opposed to “prairie restoration.” Prairies are complex communities, both with regard to the plants defining them, as well as the physical and biotic components associated with these habitats. We are not able to replicate complex native prairie communities by planting prairie species. It likely requires hundreds, if not thousands, of years for a fully diverse community of prairie plants and animals to redevelop into a composition and structure equivalent to the original. In other words, plantings are not equal substitutes for remnants when it comes to prairie conservation. Therefore, plantings should not be considered a substitute for protection, restoration and management of remnants. However, plantings do have an important role to play, given the massive devastation that has occurred to our Midwest prairies.

Conservation benefits from planting prairie

  • Planting prairie adjacent to remnants and as corridors connecting remnants, provides critically needed “elbow room” for rare and conservative prairie plants and invertebrates that are slow to establish/spread, difficult to propagate/move or both.
  • Creating large grasslands, especially when planting in the gaps between existing remnants, can provide critical habitat for many grassland bird species and other animals that need large grasslands to be successful.
  • Planting into degraded remnants (inter-seeding) can enhance the existing plant community and speed recovery (of course taking care to introduce only plants likely to be found at the site in the past).
  • Plantings can act as seed sources, thus minimizing the need to collect seeds on remnants, which reduces the chances of over-collecting from the remnants.
  • Plantings can be used as educational tools to increase awareness of prairie conservation and provide opportunities for hands-on participation in conservation.
  • Plantings can replace stands of non-native grasses with more complex plant communities that provide, on average, better wildlife habitat and improved soil conservation and water infiltration.

The Prairie Enthusiasts has a two-pronged approach to prairie and savanna conservation. We protect remnants as well as conduct prairie plantings, especially in areas adjacent to remnants.


There are many successful methods and techniques for planting prairie. What will work best for you will depend upon available resources of time, money, and equipment, and the specific conditions of the planting site. If you’re interested in planting a prairie, we encourage you to look at the various online guides, like this one.  However, there is one important tip we want you to be aware of: before you prepare a site for planting (e.g. till or use herbicides), be certain that a remnant prairie vegetation is not already present!

Additional Resources

Books and pamphlets relevant to planting

Prairie seed companies with expertise in prairie plants and planting

Wisconsin Native Plant Sources provides a great list (in downloadable PDF format) of nurseries that sell native plants and seeds. It also includes information about restoration and native ecosystems. Many of these companies have information on planting techniques on their websites or in their catalogs. Here are a couple good guidelines:

Prairie Moon Nursery
Prairie Nursery