Rattlesnake master by Dan Barron
Agaski Bluff
Standing on the steep slope of Agaski Bluff in 2021, Eric Preston and Kim Kreitinger took in picturesque rock outcroppings and a sweeping view of the valley below and considered the opportunity before them.
Catching the Prairie Bug
A prairie can escape the attention of those who have never been exposed to and noticed its wonders. But something out of the blue can spark an interest.
We All Have Mentors
Learn how an expert in prairie restoration and native orchids found a pathway to land stewardship through a prairie mentor.
Gneiss to Meet You
Explore Morton Outcrops Scientific Natural Area, which is one of Minnesota’s largest and highest quality examples of Crystalline Bedrock Outcrop Prairie.
Book Review: The Gardener’s Guide to Prairie Plants
There are a number of books and blogs on propagating prairie plants, on gardening with native plants, on establishing prairies and even a few on identification of seedling prairie plants. This book stands out for its breadth of coverage.
What Guides You on Your Journey?
Updated 12/5/2024 By Scott Fulton For thousands of years, the people who lived here shared a common set of values across diverse cultures, languages, and lifeways: a deep sense of relationship with the land and its living things, respect for all the members of...
Keeping Prairies in the News
We are excited to share this Milwaukee Journal Sentinel article and the mention of The Prairie Enthusiasts below: Wisconsin's prairies shine in late summer, from Lapham Peak to the UW Arboretumby Chelsey LewisMilwaukee Journal SentinelAugust 19, 2021 As August winds...
Remembering Tom Brock
We were deeply saddened to learn of the passing of longtime The Prairie Enthusiasts member Tom Brock. A true champion for prairies, Tom was also an accomplished microbiologist. Take a look at these remembrances that have been shared everywhere from our own Prairie...
Our Winter Reading List
Updated 12/5/2024 Pour some coffee, curl up in your favorite chair, and delve into these books written by members and friends of The Prairie Enthusiasts! Is there a book that should be on this list? If you're an author writing about ecology, or have a favorite...
Why The Prairie Enthusiasts?
By Debra Behrens, Executive Director It started as a wish. As a child visiting my grandparents in rural Minnesota, I fell in love with the vast prairie skies and the steady hum of insects on summer nights. Only later did I realize that this place filled with wonder...
Free Prairie Curriculum Ready for Use
How do children learn to care for the land? Often, it’s time spent outside with a family member that first makes them curious about nature. But teachers also have the power to spark curiosity. Walter Mirk of The Prairie Enthusiast's Glacial Prairie Chapter has...
Native Habitat as an Educational Centerpiece
Updated 12/5/2024 In the heart of Driftless Wisconsin lies Viroqua, home to the Prairie Enthusiasts Chapter Support office. We are lucky to be surrounded by many prairie remnants, State Natural Areas (like Romance Prairie), and several public native gardens within...
Milkweed for Monarchs ’19
This past winter the monarch butterfly populations overwintering in northern Mexico increased significantly for the first time in recent years. The butterflies used over 6 hectares of land at their winter roosting sites. This is significant, as the goal of the...
This introduction to the concept of resilience and how it applies to our prairie restoration work was an article published in the August 2019 Prairie Promoter.Those of us who were at this year’s TPE conference in Menomonie were introduced to resilience during the...