Gaylord Nelson Earth Green Award

Monday, April 15 – 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Location: First Congregational UCC Community Room, 310 Broadway St. Eau Claire

Join the Chippewa Valley Sierra Club for their annual award reception with wine, beer, and appetizers, followed by an Italian buffet dinner, award, and short program.Kathy Stahl will receive the 2024 Earth Green Award. A long-time Sierran, Kathy has been associated with many Dunn County and regional Conservation groups, most prominently the Prairie Enthusiasts and the Colfax Red Cedar Preserve and Recreation Area.As former Chair of the local Chippewa Savannas Chapter of the Prairie Enthusiasts, Ms. Stahl has joined in restoring and expanding two area prairie remnants and developing educational opportunities about prairies and biodiversity for the public. Similarly, as Chair of the Colfax Red Cedar Preserve and Recreation Area Management Committee, she has joined other community members in opening to the public a 154-acre Preserve that the Red Cedar River mostly surrounds.  When asked about her conservation involvement, she says, “In working with several conservation-minded individuals and groups, there is no doubt about the importance of passionate individuals sharing ideas and the power and necessity of a community to make those ideas happen.” Kathy is one of those passionate conservationists who has been instrumental in providing our communities with beautiful restored prairies and the Colfax Red Cedar Reserve and Recreational Area.

$25 per adult, $15 per studentPlease send your RSVP with payment to Chippewa Valley Sierra Club, 1810 Birch St, Eau Claire, WI 54703. Please include your contact information, the number in your party, and specify vegetarian or meat. Mail your reservation by April 8. Download the event flier to print a registration form to mail.

Signup Instructions: Mail reservation and payment by April 8

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