Explore Spring Ephemerals with Jon Rigdon
Saturday, May 13th – 9:30 AM to 1:00 PM
Location: 6603 Oboe Ave, Cashton, WI 54619
Join your local plant enthusiast, Jon Rigdon, on a hike through a sea of blooming ephemerals at one of Wisconsin’s best examples of mesic woodlands; Eureka Maple Woods State Natural Area.
Please RSVP. Arrive at 6603 for the plan for the day and parking. Folks will then travel and park on/near Oboe Avenue to access Eureka Maple Woods SNA. Bring bag lunch, drinking water, appropriate field clothing, sturdy boots. Terrain is very steep and rocky. No bathrooms available at the SNA. If you have questions email Justin at
I will be there. I don’t want to miss this one.