Prairie Workshop PREQUEL Field Walk

You can plant a prairie, in your backyard or in the back 40!
From a few plants in your yard to acreage planted in the back forty, prairie plants provide beauty for us and habitat for birds and native pollinators.

Date: August 14
Time: 6-8 PM
Location: N8806 600th Street, River Falls WI 54022

Registration for walk not required; just show up!

Walk a 10-acre, 10,000 year old prairie remnant and compare it to a 20-acre prairie planted two years ago. Enjoy the stunning colors of purple bergamot, goldenrod, blazing stars, big and little bluestem grasses and more.

This is a field trip prequel to the November 9, one-day workshop on prairie planting and maintenance sponsored by The Prairie Enthusiasts. (See below)

Field Walk address: Four Winds Farm, , contact Prescott Bergh 715-821-9487 or

Registration for walk not required; just show up!



Nov. 9, 8:45 am-3:00 pm, YMCA Camp, Hudson, WI

Want to plant a prairie? Experts and landowners will provide guidance on prairie planting and maintenance, from gardens to multiple acres. $40/$60 for singles and two persons, respectively. Breakfast and lunch provided.

Registration for workshop is required. No walk-ins. Register by October 15.

Workshop details and how to register

The event is finished.


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