Tree & Brush Removal. Brush Pile Burn
Saturday, February 3 – 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Location: Erbe Grassland
Help is needed this winter with: – tree/brush removal & brush pile burning. Be sure to wear appropriate clothing for the weather (dress in layers). For burning brush piles, wear old clothes you do not mind getting small holes in from fire brands. Do not wear synthetic fabrics near burn piles, they ignite too easily. Wear sturdy footwear and work gloves. Bring drinking water. Chainsaw operators with their own equipment are welcome, but you must have safety chaps and headgear. Bring pruners or loppers, if you have them, otherwise they will be provided. Winter work parties are dependent on weather & snow conditions; snow need/tolerance varies depending upon activity planned. Therefore, check with contact person the night before to confirm status of the event.
For burning brush piles, wear old clothes you do not mind getting small holes in from fire brands. Do not wear synthetic fabrics near burn piles, they ignite too easily. Wear sturdy footwear and work gloves. Bring drinking water. Chainsaw operators with their own equipment are welcome, but you must have safety chaps and headgear. Bring pruners or loppers, if you have them, otherwise they will be provided.
From Mt. Horeb, take US Hwy 18/151 west for 2 miles. Turn south (left) on Erbe Road. Meet at the preserve’s parking lot and kiosk, which is 0.7 miles south on Erbe Road on the right.
Eric Goplin; (608) 437-4879 or EMAIL