Survey Prairie Plantings
Saturday, May 18 – 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Location: Mounds View Grassland
Help is needed (many people) to systematically walk through prairie plantings looking for and counting early-season flowers such as prairie violet, blue-eyed grass, yellow star-grass, violet wood sorrel, wild strawberry, prairie smoke, and valerian. This data is used to assess the progress of our restoration efforts and to help us better understand the ecosystem’s recovery process to improve our methods and accelerate recovery. We have lots of area to cover, so the more observers the better. Bring your friends and hiking boots.
Long pants, hat, water and sunscreen are recommended. Bring a clipboard or note pad for recording observations.
Let the leader know that you are coming.
Rich Henderson, 608-845-7065 (hm), 608-235-4165 (cell), EMAIL
Schurch-Thomson barn at 8624 Reilly Road, Barneveld, WI. From the intersection of US Hwy 18-151 and County F (south of Blue Mounds in western Dane County), take F approximately 5 miles south. Turn right onto Reilly Road and proceed to the parking lot and kiosks at the end of the road, past the barn. (Note: A half mile down F from 18-151, pay close attention to the road signs, for F turns to the right & the straight-ahead road becomes County Z. Stay on F.)