Invasive Species Control 

Saturday, June 15 – 9:00 a.m. to Noon

Location: Moely Prairie

Please join us as we continue our efforts to pull invasive species such as dame’s rocket and garlic mustard and cut invasive shrubs that remain on the property. The blooming season is in full swing, and there are already a variety of native plants covering the landscape including hairy puccoon, lilac penstemon, and more.

Volunteers have been working in earnest on this small 23.5-acre remnant Moely Prairie for the last 8 years, and tremendous progress has been made in clearing the large stands of invasive trees and brush. The property is unique as it’s completely surrounded by the village of Prairie du Sac but still offers a peaceful respite to hike, cross country ski and snowshoe. This location also provides meaningful educational opportunities and citizen science programming for our local students and residents who have also been helping with our restoration efforts. We’ve been excited to watch our native plant inventory grow from 70 species when we started to just over 200 in the time we’ve been doing restoration work and controlled burns.


Please wear long sleeves, long pants and sturdy, closed-toed shoes. Bring your own work gloves and your favorite equipment if you wish (loppers, chainsaws, etc.). Extra loppers and herbicide will be available for use. Water bottles are highly recommended. We may head to nearby Prairie House Restaurant to quench our thirst and grab some lunch outside should weather permit.


Paul Anderson, 608-712-9552


From Hwy 12, turn east onto Hwy PF. After passing the prairie on your right, take a right onto 21st St., a right onto Fullerton Dr., a left on Billings Ave., and then a right onto Alban La. Park at the dead end and enter the prairie from there.

The event is finished.


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