Explore Butterflies & Wildflowers of Shea Prairie
Sunday, July 14 – 10:00 a.m. to Noon
Location: Shea Prairie
Come spend a morning exploring Shea Prairie, a 100-acre unit in The Prairie Enthusiasts’ Mounds View Grassland preserve. The site consists of dry and dry-mesic remnants of original prairie, a trout stream, ground water fed wetland restorations, fen seeps, ephemeral ponds, and floristically rich restored wet to mesic prairie. We expect to see Regal Fritillaries, Baltimore Checkerspots (if still inflight), and many other butterflies, dragonflies, a diversity of flowers (353 plant species are present), and other inhabitants of this extensive grassland.
LEVEL OF DIFFICULTY: 2 miles round trip with some uphill slopes and a couple possible wet areas.
Long pants, a hat, insect repellent, and hiking shoes are recommended. Bring binoculars—the closer they focus, the better!
If you plan to attend, please let the trip leaders know at least 12 hours in advance, in case of changes in the schedule or cancelation due to severe weather, should they occur. To RSVP and if you have questions, please contact trip leaders Donna Williams-Richter & Rich Henderson at this EMAIL or at (608) 845-7065.
Address is 3095 Mounds View Road, Barneveld. From US Highway 18/151, 1.5 miles west of Blue Mounds, turn south on Mounds View Road. Proceed on Mounds View for 2.5 miles to where it joins briefly with Prairie Grove Rd. Stay with Mounds View and go another 0.7 miles south. Look for the kiosk and parking lot on the left.