Pleasure Valley Conservancy Tree and Brush Removal

Saturday, November 16 – 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Location: Pleasure Valley Conservancy

Help us to continue our management of this diverse landscape of prairies, savanna, sedge meadows, and woodland. We will be removing small trees between two adjacent burn units to allow us to better implement prescribed fire and manage pesky invasive weeds such as garlic mustard, Japanese hedge parsley, and reed canary grass. We will be piling and burning cut material if conditions allow.



Sawyers are welcome to bring their chainsaws provided they wear full personal protective equipment (helmet, eye protection, gloves, chaps, boots). We may be burning brush piles if conditions allow, so please avoid synthetic fiber clothing.


RSVP to Rob Schubert by email or phone (608) 400-5775


10747 Moyer Road, Blue Mounds. From US 18/151 near Blue Mounds take Cave of the Mounds Rd. past Cave of the Mounds. Take right on CTH F and proceed 2 miles past Brigham County Park then turn left on Moyer Rd proceeding 1/4 mile turning left at driveway at 10747 Moyer Rd.

The event is finished.


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