Tree/Brush Removal and Brush Pile Burning at Mounds View Grassland

Saturday, February 1 – 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Location: Mounds View Grassland

Come help us earn grant money by providing in-kind volunteer labor. We will be burning brush piles and cutting and treating trees/brush of various sizes that are invading good quality remnant prairie and grasslands. Removing this material is critical to improving the habitat for grassland-dependent animals and keeping the prairie remnants healthy.

The work we do will be help TPE earn WDNR and USFWS grant money to pay professional contractors to also clear trees & brush.



Bring gloves and appropriate clothing for working outside in brushy conditions with occasional thorns and around fire (natural fiber and old enough that you will not mind getting an occasional small burn hole from embers). We recommend eye and hearing protection (chainsaws will be in use). Some helmets with face shields and ear covers will be available. Loppers and clippers will be provided, but if you have favorite tools, please bring them along. Experienced chainsaw operators with their own equipment are welcome, but safety chaps and head, ear, and eye protection are required.


Please contact Rich Henderson via EMAIL or (h) 608.845.7065


8624 Reilly Rd, Barneveld. From the intersection of US Hwy 18-151 and County F (south of Blue Mounds in western Dane County), take F approximately 5 miles south. Turn right onto Reilly Road and proceed to parking lot and kiosks at the end of the road (past the barn). (Note: A half mile down F from 18-151, pay close attention to the road signs, for F turns to the right & the straight-ahead road becomes County Z. Stay on F.)

The event is finished.


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