Empire-Sauk Field Trip
Saturday, July 8th – 9:00 AM to Noon
Location: Moely Prairie
Rain date: July 9th
Please join us as we tour remnant Moely Prairie, a diverse landscape that promises to be in full bloom. At just 23.5 acres, and surrounded by urban development, this prairie is the largest remaining remnant of the original 14,000-acre Sauk Prairie. Because this site was never plowed, a rich array of native prairie plants persist here. Restoration efforts have been underway for the last several years and the removal of invasive trees and brush, along with regular controlled burns, are encouraging a wide variety of native prairie species to thrive, including thousands of Prairie Smoke plants, Eastern Prickly Pear cactus, Hairy Puccoon, Prairie Blue-eyed Grass, Violet Wood Sorrel, Rough Blazing-star, Dotted Horsemint and Lead-plant. To see updates on the progress of Moely Prairie’s restoration work, and to learn more about volunteer opportunities, consider following us on Facebook at “For The Love of Moely Prairie” and on Instagram, @moelyprairie. Moely Prairie preserve is owned by Barbara Moely, it had been part of her family’s farm. It is now protected by a conservation easement held by TPE and managed by the Empire-Sauk Chapter. There is very little shade on the property so a water bottle will come in handy. Also sturdy, closed-toed shoes, long pants and a hat are highly recommended.
On west side of Prairie du Sac. Take 21st St south from Prairie St (Co PF) for one block to Fullerton. Turn right on Fullerton. Then turn left onto Billings Ave. Then turn right onto Alban Ln. Go to the end. Parking is along the road.
Amy Chamberlin (EMAIL)