Dane County Field Trip
Sunday, August 20 – 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM
Location: Sugar River Oak Savanna
Comes see the effectiveness of long-term use of fire in controlling/suppressing dense reed canary-grass. You will see how a burn on May 29 this year st back the reed canary-grass and helped native wet prairie and sedge meadow plants flourish and bloom. This diverse 9-acre preserve of The Prairie Enthusiasts has had frequent fire since 1976, which has brought about a very diverse flora with nearly 400 native plant species now present.
From the intersection of CTH M and PD (north of Verona and SW of Madison) take PD west 3.0 miles to Timber Lane, turn right (north) on to Timber Lane and then immediately turn left into a joint driveway. Proceed to the brick house (2845 Timber Lane). Park in mowed lawn (please do not block the neighbor’s driveway).
If you plan to attend, please let the trip leader know at least 12 hours in advance, in case of changes in the schedule or cancelation due to severe weather, should they occur. Also contact them if you have questions.
Rich Henderson – (608) 845-7065 or EMAIL