Sedge Identification and Habitat Preferences in Fire-Dependent Ecosystems of Southern Wisconsin
Sunday, June 18th – 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM
Location: Meet at the Mounds View Grassland Barn, 8624 Reilly Rd, Barneveld, WI.
This workshop introduces participants to the basics of sedge identification, a family with species commonly found growing in wetlands, prairies, savannas and oak woodlands.
In the morning we will cover taxonomy, plant structure and the use of appropriate plant keys for identification. We will show quick diagnostic features of some of the most common Carex species. Fresh and dried sedge samples will be available for study. In the afternoon we will head into the field at Mounds View Grassland to observe some prairie sedges before heading to the Sylvan Road Conservation Area where field identification techniques will be emphasized. A table will be provided of the 50 sedge species occurring in wetlands and the fire-dependent sedge meadows, prairies, savannas, and open oak woodlands of southern and western WI.
Instructors: Steve Eggers, Rich Henderson and Pat Trochlell Bring: Appropriate field clothes and boots, water and lunch. Please bring a notebook and sedge identification books or keys and a hand lens if you have them. Books will be available for review and use.
Locations: Meet at the Mounds View Grassland Barn and travel to the Sylvan Road Conservation Area. Mounds View Grassland Barn: 8624 Reilly Road, Barneveld, WI. Park in the lot. https://goo.gl/maps/deoG6kuvniNk89aN9
Sylvan Road Conservation Area: about 1/8 mile west of the intersection from Banner on Sylvan Road, west of Hollandale, WI. Park on the north side of Sylvan Road. https://goo.gl/maps/1FCs34rH1cBzkMecA