Brush Cutting
Saturday, October 14 – 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Location: Ottawa Bluffs
As expected, there is not much seed out there to be collected (due to the drought), so we won’t be doing more collection this year. But there is no shortage of brush to cut, and that will be our focus into November and perhaps beyond. As the natives go dormant, the European buckthorn becomes particularly easy to spot (it will stay green into late October some years), so this is an excellent time to work on it. Saturday promises to be a very nice day, so what could be better than spending it at Ottawa Bluffs? As always, friends and family are always welcome.
If for some reason there is a cancellation, it will be announced through the Many Rivers email list (email us to be added to the list)
What to Bring/Wear:
Please bring a lunch, plenty of beverage, appropriate (sturdy) foot wear, and work gloves. Leather gloves work best for brush work, thinner gloves (or none) for seed collection. Dress in layers with an eye toward the weather. Rain, snow, or shine, we will be out there.
Directions to Site:
Click HERE for more on Ottawa Bluffs, including how to get there. Alternatively, from LeSueur, take County 36 south to Co. 23 to the preserve. Ottawa Bluffs is shown on Goggle Maps. if you need help getting there. Look for the preserve sign and vehicles parked along the side of the highway. Need more information? Reply to this email here. If you no longer want to be on this mailing list, please respond so.