Brush Cutting
Saturday, March 30 – 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Location: Ottawa Bluffs Nature Preserve
As we seem to have returned to winter, I am not sure what tasks we will be tackling this Saturday. The area around Ottawa seems to have a light covering of snow, which may or may not last through the week, and may or may not be enough to contain any burning brush piles. We alway have more brush cutting as a fall back position. Whatever we do, we can always use your help. And if anyone missed the news: pasque flowers have been in bloom at Ottawa since the first of the month, and generally last well into April. Of course, if they are covered by snow they will be hard to locate, but the snow won’t damage them, and they will reappear as the snow melts. The western facing slopes of Ottawa lose their snow cover quickly, so they may be visible again this weekend.
Upcoming work dates: .
These will be announced soon for April through August, one per month.
All workdays start at 10 AM and end around 3 PM. Please bring a lunch, plenty of beverage, appropriate (sturdy) foot wear, and work gloves. Leather gloves work best for brush work, thinner gloves (or none) for seed collection. Dress in layers with an eye toward the weather. Rain, snow, or shine, we will be out there. If for some reason there is a cancellation, it will be announced through this email list.
Go to https://www.nature.org/en-us/get-involved/how-to-help/places-we-protect/ottawa-bluffs/ for more on Ottawa Bluffs, including how to get there. Alternatively, from LeSueur, take County 36 south to Co. 23 to the preserve. Ottawa Bluffs is shown on Goggle Maps. Go to https://www.google.com/maps/place/Ottawa+Bluffs,+Ottawa+Rd,+Le+Sueur,+MN+56058/@44.3652807,-93.9359754,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x87f5cd092fa48891:0x16ba6f9511944f5!8m2!3d44.3659002!4d-93.9355696
if you need help getting there. Look for the preserve sign and vehicles parked along the side of the highway.
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