Ottawa Bluffs Brush Removal
Saturday, March 18th – 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Location: Ottawa Bluffs, Ottawa Rd, Le Sueur, MN 56058
By mid-March, we generally don’t have enough snow cover left to even consider burning brush piles, but this winter just doesn’t want to leave us. Last workday, we thinned a cluster of red oaks, and it seems likely that we will be doing similar work this weekend, though in a different spot. We will be removing brush and tree saplings from the interface between a large tall grass prairie opening and a bur oak savanna. Fire plays a key role in maintaining prairie and savanna, but brushy barriers can easily cut off the flow of fire between the 2 systems. We will be gathering up what we cut to burn in a pile.
Please bring a lunch, plenty of beverage, appropriate (sturdy) foot wear, and work gloves. Leather gloves work best for brush work, thinner gloves (or none) for seed collection. Dress in layers with an eye toward the weather. Rain, snow, or shine, we will be out there. If for some reason there is a cancellation, it will be announced through this email list.