Introduction to Grasses Workshop

Saturday, August 17 to Sunday, August 18, 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Location: Winona, MN

The Minnesota Driftless Chapter of The Prairie Enthusiasts will host a 2-day workshop focusing on plants within the Poaceae (grass family). Minnesota has approximately 400+ taxa of grasses! The workshop will take place in multiple locations within Winona County.

The workshop instructor will be Nathanael Pilla from Midwest Biological Survey. The cost of the workshop will be $200 for members of The Prairie Enthusiasts, and $250 for non-members. Registrants who pay the non-member $250 registration fee will become members of The Prairie Enthusiasts for a period of one year.

Through this workshop, participants will learn:

  • What makes a grass different from a sedge (Cyperaceae) or a rush (Juncaceae).
  • The anatomy and terminology of grasses.
  • Distinguishing between genera and species in the Poaceae.
  • How to collect and key grasses.
  • How to use a dichotomous key in figuring out what genus/species you have, both from pressed specimens and live specimens.

Participants will need to bring the following items:

  • Notebook and pencil
  • Camera (phone or digital)
  • Loupe/hand lens
  • Insect repellent
  • A favorite Midwest grass book

Participation will be limited to 20 individuals so register soon if you’d like to attend.


The event is finished.


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