Explore Private Land Restoration Sites Near Lanesboro
Saturday, July 6 – 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Location: McWilliams Site and Oppenheimer Site
Mark July 6th on your calendars as a date you’ll join us at two private land restoration sites near Lanesboro in Fillmore County, Minnesota. The landowners of each site are members of the Minnesota Driftless Chapter of The Prairie Enthusiasts.
At the first site, Rob and Deb McWilliams have been restoring their property since 2006. The McWilliams site includes remnant bluff prairie, sand prairie, oak savanna, and oak-hickory woodland. Through the years they’ve used fire, focused brush control, and goats in their restoration and management efforts. Species likely to be blooming at the McWilliams site include tuberous Indian plantain (state endangered), purple prairie clover, lead plant, and Illinois tick trefoil.
The second site is being restored by Alissa Oppenheimer and is across the road from the McWilliams site. One way the two sites differ is that the McWilliams site is largely south-facing while the the Oppenheimer site has more of a north-facing aspect. In 2021, members of the Minnesota Driftless chapter assisted Alissa with a late September prescribed burn.
Both sites are across the road from each other so there won’t be a need to caravan from one site to the other, we can just walk. Some of the areas we’ll visit are on steep slopes and an ATV will be available for people who need to be shuttled to the top.
Sturdy footwear is recommended and hiking poles might be helpful. Lunch will be provided at the McWilliams’ place but bring enough hydrating fluid, and maybe snacks, to keep you happy and healthy on a potentially hot summer day. Insect repellent, sunscreen, and a hat to keep the sun off your face are recommended as well.
If you’d like to join us, please send your RSVP to Rob McWilliams (507-358-5982). If the event needs to be cancelled, Rob will send the notice to people who have sent him their RSVP.
We’ll meet at the McWilliams’ place and park in their driveway. Here’s a Google Maps link.