Private Restoration Sites
Saturday, July 22 – 10:00 AM
Location: Soldiers Grove, Mt. Sterling and Gays Mills are
We will begin at the Loren Wagner and Nancy Slavik property in the Soldiers Grove, Gays Mills and Mt. Sterling area.
The site includes an 8 acre CRP site which dates from 2015. The site sits atop a ridge which can be accessed by a half mile uphill gravel drive. The field was dominated originally by Big Bluestem and Indian Grass. Forbes have since been introduced to the area to provide diversity. A smaller one acre prairie was developed beginning in 2005 with a more diverse variety of forbes.
Difficulty: This is generally easy with gently rolling terrain and mowed trails. Be prepared, however, to discourage chiggers and ticks.
Accommodation: There is a cabin on site where we can have lunch before moving on to the next site. There is also an outdoor toilet.
Address: The address of the property is 14675 Freeman Rd., Soldiers Grove, WI.
The next site is just a mile down the road. This is the late Alan Slavick and Shirley Northern property. Alan was a pioneer in prairie restoration work. He first established a very diverse one acre plot and more recently established other prairie areas, including a goat prairie with an especially beautiful showing of Purple Praire Clover. In addition, a short walk will take you to one of the larger gushing springs in Wisconsin.
Difficulty: Easy with mostly level terrain.
Address: The address of this property is 52327 Johnstown Road, Soldiers Grove, WI.
We will meet at the first property at 10:00 on July 22. After touring that site we will take a lunch break at the cabin. We will then move on to the Slavick-Northern property down the road. Bring a sack lunch and your own beverage. You are welcome to join us for just one or both of the tours!
For questions contact Jack Kussmaul at (608) 988-4309 or EMAIL.