Creating Fire Breaks
Thursday, February 22 – 9:00 a.m.
Location: Double Oak Savanna
Calling all Enthusiasts…We need your help.
We had an amazing turnout last fall when we put in breaks around the back of the property. What we need to do now is put in breaks around three sets of buildings and lots of utility poles. The distance is not great, but the terrain is difficult. With a good number of volunteers, we should be able to get it done fairly quickly.
Useful tools will be rakes, leaf blowers, loppers and small chain saws. Parking will be at the rock quarry, and you will find us working near the road just west of the quarry.
If you have questions, you may contact Jack Kussmaul at jack.kussmaul@gmail.com, 608-988-4309 (home) or 608-778-5299 (cell).
Thank you in advance for whatever help you can provide.
To get to Double Oak coming from the east, turn onto County Road C from Highway 133 west of Woodman. You will climb over a large hill and after the hill, very roughly 5 miles from where you enter Highway C, you will come to the rock quarry on the right. Note that there is a small rock quarry just over the hill. This is not the one. Continue on to the large one after you have reached the bottom of the hill.
Coming from the west, turn east onto County Road C from Highway 18 just east of the Bridgeport Bridge. In very roughly 8 miles you come to the rock quarry on the left.