Eldred Prairie Work Party

Thursday, February 27 – 9:00 a.m. to Noon

Location: Eldred Prairie, Lancaster, WI

If you have not been at Eldred since we had a forestry mower there for two days, it will be a chance for you to see the transformation on the back side of the property, If you have seen the transformation, you will understand why we want to continue the process to clean up the brushy thicket where the forestry mower could not reach.

This will mostly be chain saw work, but there will also be stacking into piles and, depending on conditions, burning. We will also need to treat stumps with herbicide to prevent regrowth.



Herbicide will be provided but please bring your saw. And if you are without a saw, we need people to stack brush and to regale us with stories.


January of course can be iffy in terms of weather. If it is excessively cold, the snow knee deep or other conditions make it difficult to work, please check to see if the event is still taking place.

Contact Jack Kussmaul to RSVP and if you have questions. Cell: (608) 778-5299, Landline: (608) 988-4309


Eldred Prairie is located on Lincoln Road just east of Lancaster.

The easiest way to get there is by way of Highway 129, the highway that diverts Highway 61 traffic around the east side of Lancaster.

From the north, Lincoln Road is approximately 1 ½ miles south from the north intersection of 61 and 129. From the south, it is about 1 mile north of the south intersection of 61 and 129.

Drive east on Lincoln Road for about 2 miles. Eldred is on the north side of the road and is obviously a conservation area. The entrance gate is at the east end of the property at the top of the hill.

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