Brush Clearing
Join us as we cut buckthorn at the along the Kinni River.
We will cut buckthorn, other non-native trees and brush, and stack for the City to pick up. Buckthorn comes from Europe and Asia and is invasive, meaning they outcompete native plants for space, sunlight and nutrients, upsetting the natural balance.
Come for 1, 2, 3, or all 4 hours. Whatever time you can volunteer is appreciated!
Date: November 25 (Sat)
Time: 10am until 2pm
Location: Trailhead 11 on River Ridge Road, River Falls, WI.
Between 709 and 673 River Ridge Road.
Please bring work gloves, sturdy footwear, and drinking water. Snacks, beverages, and tools will be provided. Feel free to bring your own lunch.
Future Work Days
Work for the rest of the winter will be weather dependent.
We will continue to cut invasive trees and brush until the snow is gone. We will then ensure the fire breaks at all sites are clear in preparation for prescribed burns this spring.
Watch for emails and check Facebook and our website for updates.