Explore Pleasure Valley Conservancy
Saturday, July 13 – 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Location: Pleasure Valley Conservancy
Come for 2.5-mile hilly walk through remnant and restored oak savanna, prairie and wetland, with restoration management starting in 1991. Trip provides an opportunity to tour a privately owned, The Prairie Enthusiast easement protected, property.
If you plan to attend, please let the trip leaders know at least 12 hours in advance, in case of changes in the schedule or cancelation due to severe weather, should they occur. To RSVP and if you have questions, please contact trip leaders Ken Wade or Pat Trochlell at (608) 767-3111.
10747 Moyer Road, Blue Mounds. From US 18/151 near Blue Mounds take Cave of the Mounds Rd. past Cave of the Mounds. Take right on CTH F and proceed 2 miles past Brigham County Park then turn left on Moyer Rd proceeding 1/4 mile turning left at driveway at 10747 Moyer Rd.