Explore Schurch-Thomson Prairie
Saturday, August 10 – 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Location: Schurch-Thomson Prairie
Come for a hike into a portion of The Prairie Enthusiasts’ 830-acre Mounds View Grassland preserve. We will see the progress being made in bringing back to life degraded remnant prairies, converting non-native cool-season grass to native prairie. We will be encountering rich displays of mid-summer prairie flowers. Along the way, will also have an opportunity to observe and hear uncommon grassland birds, as well as butterflies and bumblebees.
LEVEL OF DIFFICULTY: Moderate hiking over uneven terrain. Be prepared for a long hike (some off trail) and occasional steep slopes.
Bring water, hat, sunscreen, long pants, sturdy shoes, and binoculars.
If you plan to attend, please let the trip leaders know at least 12 hours in advance, in case of changes in the schedule or cancelation due to severe weather, should they occur. To RSVP and if you have questions, please contact trip leader Rich Henderson at this EMAIL or at (608) 845-7065.
Address is 8624 Reilly Road, Barneveld. From the intersection of US Hwy 18-151 and County F (south of Blue Mounds in western Dane County), take F approximately 5 miles south. Turn right onto Reilly Road, and proceed to parking lot and kiosks at the end of the road (past the barn). (Note: A half mile down F from 18-151, pay close attention to the road signs, for F turns to the right & the straight-ahead road becomes County Z. Stay on F.)