Swenson Prairie Brush Removal

Saturday, January 25 – 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Location: Swenson Prairie in Arena, WI

Come join us and help remove brush at Swenson Bluff Prairie. Part of a larger prairie complex with other remnants persisting on nearby hillsides and bluff tops, Swenson Bluff Prairie is an important area for native plant diversity. In the spring, shooting stars, violets, puccoon and violet wood sorrel light up the prairie. Summer blooms include leadplant, butterflyweed and prairie coreopsis.

Help us maintain and restore this special prairie. There are many work areas at Swenson Prairie and many things to do. What we ultimately do depends on the weather and how many people wish to come. Whatever the case, we will be cutting and treating brush.


Bring work gloves. If you have your own tools, please bring them. Scott will provide the herbicide.


Contact Scott Sauer via email or 608-772-3539 to confirm and for directions.

The event is finished.


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