Seed Collection and Brush Control
Saturday, October 5 – 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Location: Ottawa Bluffs Nature Preserve
Seed production is abundant this year due to lots of rain, aided by the prescribed burning that was done last spring, which promotes vigorous production of viable seed. We are going to continue collecting seed this October. All of the seed will be used at Ottawa Bluffs to fill in areas where our management activities have removed the existing vegetation (generally areas with a high levels of invasive plants) or to increase the species richness of areas with cover, but low diversity. You do not need a lot of plant knowledge to help out: with a few minutes of on-the-job training, you too will be an expert. The process is simply wandering around the preserve as a loose group, looking for the target species, and hand picking them into a bag. We will be sure to note any interesting plants as we go. Asters and goldenrods are the main species blooming now, with perhaps a few remaining blazing stars and a few gentians.
Please bring a lunch, plenty of beverage, appropriate (sturdy) foot wear, and work gloves. Leather gloves work best for brush work, thinner gloves (or none) for seed collection. Dress in layers with an eye toward the weather.
Bill Ramsden. To RSVP, contact Jim Lynch. Rain, snow, or shine, we will be out there. If for some reason there is a cancellation, it will be announced through the Many Rivers email list.
From LeSueur, take County 36 south to Co. 23 to the preserve. Look for the preserve sign and vehicles parked along the side of the highway.
Click here to learn more about Ottawa Bluffs including how to get there.