Red Wing Work Day

Saturday, October 12 – 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Location: Ghei Property

A landowner on the outskirts of Red Wing received funding from the Natural Resource Conservation Service’s Environmental Quality Incentives Program to treat buckthorn and other woody invasive plants in her oak woodlands and in an adjacent Conservation Reserve Program planting. We helped her last October with some of this work and we’ll return this October to keep the ball rolling.

We’ll be using hand tools to cut species like buckthorn, honey locust, and honeysuckle, then we’ll be treating the cut stems with herbicide.



If you have hand pruners or loppers you can bring, please do so, but there will be some available for those who don’t have any. Other things to bring include work gloves, a hat to keep the sun off your face, sunscreen, insect repellent, plenty of hydrating liquids, and snacks to keep you energized.


If you’re interested in participating, please email your RSVP to Gita Ghei and she’ll give you directions to the site. If there’s a last-minute change in plans because of the weather, only the people who sent their RSVP to Gita will be notified. You can also send Gita any questions you have about the work day or about getting to the parking place she’ll be waiting to meet us at.

The event is finished.


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