Susan S. Chambers, Many Rivers Chapter member, explores the awe we can discover each and every day, and especially when we are isolated at home. A notable poet, she shows us how the comfort of a poem can touch us spiritually.
Aubade: A Morning Routine
Knee reminds me to be cautious.
It only rises from the crumpled quilts
with support of end table and my third leg.
We make a metallic start.
The walk to bathroom, cold tile on bare feet,
the click of my cane. I flick the light on,
hang my extra appendage on the edge of the counter,
run the hot water, wash off gummy eyes.
Add eye-drops, run a brush through hair snarls,
take morning’s first pill. Outside my thick windows
a turkey calls. April is their month of lust.
I peek out to see a brilliant fanned tail strut close by.
This is a celebration, of sorts, my start each day.
I am still here, free of fever, cough or sore throat.
As I limp to my tea, I begin to hum.
Spring creeps closer, steered by the chortle
and mating dance of large birds.
Even isolated, I can join in the song.
By Susan S. Chambers, 2020