Spring is quickly growing into summer. Here are a few photos that captured our attention this past month. So fun to see what is happening in and around the prairie. One way of looking at these images is called Phenology which is the study of reoccurring life cycles that are driven by the environment. The timing of these events are related to both short – and long-term variability in climate. Do these images look familiar, can you identify them? 

Photo by Joe Rising

Photo by Joe Rising

Photo by Pat Trochlell

Photo by Pat Handrick

Photo by Ken Erickson

Photo by Joe Rising

Photo by Pat Trochlell

Photo by Christine Larson

Photo by Freya Rising

Photo by Gail Erickson

Photo by Pat Trochlell

Photo by Steve Engber

Photo by Pat Trochlell

Photo by Christine Larson

Photo by Stephen Winter

Photo by Jim Rogala